Rude Awakening

I guess nothing is ever enough. It always starts from somewhere and ends up in question marks. It is either too little or too much, it can not be just right. I guess that is too much to ask, can I even be myself or I need permission for that as well. It use to be family then I grew to realise it was just choice, it use to be friendship but time proved us wrong and we are just looking for the next person fix. That is all it has been, the next high.

I guess nothing is ever really enough.Trying is hard because you know when the effort is yours, pushing is easy because it goes both ways. I can follow but the crowd bothers me, I can be alone because the crowd taught me well. Effort is sad when only you see it so ask for help, taking steps can be tricky because you must really want it to take it. The truth is there might be a few lies but all in all the truth would be told, freewill might be the only conversation that gives you options so pay attention!

I guess nothing is ever really enough if you think about it. Misery might be,” the knowledge that something you wouldn’t wish on another is happening to you”, why endure? Would a caged bird dare compare itself to a hunting falcon? Heaviness is lighter now, thinking is cleared now, vision is deeper now. Being you must be hard enough, do that. Keeping a smile that is dishonest shouldn’t be standard anymore, do it because its real.

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