Inter Actions

Speech is the rhythmic sequence of sounds which are identified by the listener as words. It may convey information or nonsense. A language is a flow of words identified by physical gestures with emotional attachments. It may cause you to communicate understanding or misunderstanding.

Touch is the confirmation of what is seen. This can illustrate authenticity or illusion. Facial expressions show what the mouth cannot put in words. It is the most honest form of communication. It may show the lie or the truth. Emotions are the unseen effects of what your mind informs you of, it has the power to change the beat of the heart.

Pain is the transcendent caution of alert which goes beyond flesh. It could be pleasant or unpleasant. Fear is the total assessment and acceptance of a short coming, it could paralyze or strengthen you. Sadness is the emotional representation of a frustrated spirit. It can break or mend you.

Joy is the outburst of understanding between the mind and the heart. It can build or encourage you. Happiness is the peek of all emotions in perfect harmony. It can teach or heal you. Every action generates a reaction, and those reactions give information or take it. The key to maturity is to pay attention.

Hearing is understanding what has been presented as communication. It can be accepted as knowledge or foolishness. To listen is to acknowledge that the illustrations have been noticed but not understood. Hearing is allowing the mind to attain wisdom, and to listen is to select triggers that would detour concentration.

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