
The wilderness of a new sight of place always provoked the prophets of old to achieve self actualization to see beyond sight and to know beyond thought, to better understand their surrounding of purpose. The understanding of control is placed in the chest called “fast”! The realization and notice of individual self.

Scripts of old, written by the chosen few who had no choice but to wake up, those who tested the odds and came out with the scar of praise. Sacrifice beyond words was their instinct. They woke up as themselves but meet as brothers! Unity beyond boundaries. Never a misunderstanding, that bridge was solved by prayer.

Even when a brother fell short and set a sequence for death, for the reason of gathering, forgiveness will still be rewarded. After the fiction of sight presented their humility with power to control evil, they broke not. On humanity I would build my church! If you do not understand, you will perish. I am Consistency, how can I change?

Secrets become secrets for a reason, many people have to agree, even in that, there is still bond, but at a different cost. Put reason to thought day and night! If I came before you, then tell me who can be against you? What would you see in the will of Apostle John?

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